I wan to create a ESP32(or similar)/Arduino based project which can control MPPT controller charging current upper limit and a Basic-offgrid-DC_to_AC_Inverter(simply ON/OFF) based on
- Charging/Discharging current
- State of Charge
of a LifePO4 battery pack which uses JK BMS.
What is the easiest way to do it ?
I have experience in C++ application programming and just started on Arduino programming.
Is it possible to easily(relatively) to read Current and SOC from JK BMS ? Preferably via Bluetooth ?
Examples I found on this subject are for ESPHome or Raspaberry. I have no familiarity with HomeAssitant or ESPHome. But since I prefer to use C++ for the rest of the work(controlling the SCC, ON/OFF Inverter, Temperature sensing etc), I am not sure if ESPHome option is useful in this situation.
ONLY If using Bluetooth interface is NOT possible, I can use the RS323 adapter from JK, which is already connected to the BMS(but prefer NOT to use it due to the inherent risks).
OR instead of depending on the JK BMS, would it be easier to use a separate DC current sensor(e.g. HSTS016L, ACS758LCB) for this ? Of course I will have to calculate SOC myself based on Battery voltage and current direction. May be base on Battery voltage while accounting for current and it's direction ?